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The guidebook is a practical, accurate and reliable presentation of the structure, features and ambit of Malaysian income tax law. It provides clear explanation of how the law is applied to individuals, partnerships, limited liability partnerships, corporations and other taxable entities and includes critical information in areas of real property gains tax, double tax treaties and investment incentives. Foreign business professionals interested in doing business in Malaysia will find the explanation of industrial and investment incentives and the chapter on special concessions granted under tax treaties particularly useful.

The Guide has earned its reputation as Malaysia's leading annual tax guide because it covers the year's tax developments more clearly and concisely than any other similar publication.

Key Features

  • Assists taxpayers in gaining better understanding of the tax legislative requirements and their responsibilities towards tax-return preparation and submission 
  • Highlights current tax laws and incorporates latest tax changes made in the 2021 Budget, and Finance Act 2020 as well as any relevant public rulings, Exemption Orders or Income Tax Rules as issued by the Ministry of Finance and the Inland Revenue Board
  • Comprehensive coverage with worked examples (new, updated and revised examples are included in this edition) of tax applications
  • Readers are guided with concise, practical explanation of the income tax laws, including legislative changes, gazette orders, rules and public rulings, and case judgements from both Malaysian and the Commonwealth tax jurisdictions

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